Blackdime’s Hiddendays products are plastic-free.The perfect sustainable period swap! FIND OUT MORE HOW MUCH PLASTIC IS IN PERIOD PADS? A new study shows a pack of conventional period pads contains the equivalent amount of plastic as five (5) carrier bags. The study found shocking amounts of plastic in conventional pads across three (3) mainstream brands. It turns out,…
It’s time to talk about periods. Ugh, you know the drill — cringes and all. But we promise you there’s something good on the other side of this discussion (We would tell you otherwise). If you choose to use pads during your period, switching to organic pads from Black Dime will positively affect you and the environment. Find out more…
Haven’t you always felt menstruation was such a secretive topic? It’s okay. We’ve got your back. Periods can make us feel uncomfortable about our bodies and the world around us. It makes us different from other boys who never had to go through something like this. But we shouldn’t be ashamed of it. Periods are natural for all of us,…
Have you started having periods this month? If so, you might have noticed a change in your body, like increased discharge and odor. Heavy periods can be a nuisance, adding to your fatigue, discomfort, and other inconveniences. But some periods are more intense than others and cause itching and odor. What is responsible for the symptoms of itching and odor…
No matter what month it is, you will likely end up dealing with your periods. This means choosing the right sanitary pad is a must. Menstrual pads have improved significantly, thanks to new technology and the numerous options available. You can choose pads with wings, without wings, extra-long, regular length or ultra-thin pads. But what are the most critical factors…
The menstrual cycle is a natural, healthy function of the body. It is not a disease and should be treated as such. Menstrual health is an important aspect of women’s life. It is when a woman gets to enjoy her personal space and privacy. However, many people do not know how to take care of their menstrual cycles in a…